These guides are created by librarians to assist you in your research project.
From finding the right database to data management, we can help with that.
国产智能手机“逆袭”之后如何“完胜”? 安徽日报:2021-7-22 · 也携5款高端4G智能手机亮相第三届GS-MA2021年亚洲移动通信博览会。有专家指出,不论是国内市场还是国外市场,高端4G领域将成为国内外厂商刺刀见红的新地带。4G的到来让国产智能手机厂商迎来了反超良机,也加速了智能手机市场的洗牌。
Class Guides have been created specifically for a course or a library workshop.
These guides will help with citation styles (MLA, Chicago, APA, etc.), reference management tools (EndNote, RefWorks, etc.), plagiarism, and academic Integrity.
Across all disciplines, these guides support the access, use, and manipulation of datasets. Topics include: GIS, data management, maps, and digital humanities.
Academic research is complex. These guides cover advanced methods and considerations. Topics include: systematic reviews, copyright, impact factors, and open access.